
torsdag 14 januari 2021

Symbolism in The Great Gatsby


Symbolism in the Great Gatsby



There is quite some symbolism in the novel, but the ones I will be focusing on are the green light at the end of Daisy’s dock, Daisy’s voice being full of money, as well as the eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg.


In the book the green light is a symbol for Gatsby’s dream of Daisy and his hopes for the future. The light is a way to guide him over the water to Daisy’s dock, that he reaches his hand out too, however the water turns out to be too rough and Gatsby does not make it. In a more general sense this can represent the American Dream, or just the hopes and dreams for each person reading the book. In the very end, Nick compares the Green Light to the belief that every day makes us better in some way, and any day we will accomplish what we dream of, which can be strictly related to the American Dream. However, the target can be different for different people, for instance someone can dream of economic independence, getting a good grade in a difficult subject or getting the attention of that special someone. The green light symbolizes that quest.


When Gatsby says “Her voice is full of money” it is a perfect summary of Daisy in whole. She is quite obsessed with money and material things, and values people differently regarding their wealth. With the help of her money, Daisy is able to do whatever she pleases and suffer no consequences. She uses this to toy with people and create chaos, and then escapes into her fortune and status. This is very important for the short-lived relationship between Daisy and Gatsby, Daisy sees Gatsby’s wealth and Gatsby sees Daisy as a symbol for his wealth. She also has a very stable relationship with Tom, that is not based off of love, but because they give each other a higher standing in their world.


The eyes of the doctor Eckleburg are on a billboard in the valley of ashes. The most important appearance for them is during George Wilson’s realization that Gatsby murdered and had an affair with his wife, so he must avenge her. This, I think symbolizes the characters want of a higher power to fix the brokenness and lack of moral in the book, and them looking for it, but it is gone, and everything just gets worse, for instance the death of Gatsby. It then shows how dark this world is and all the issues with it. It might also symbolize the end for the reader and realizing what is actually happening, as this is the beginning of one of the most essential parts.


This book has very much symbolism, that a reader might miss or only understand partially or subconsciously, but if you actually take the time to think about it for a little while, there is so much going on with a deeper meaning that can be applied to this world too.

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