
fredag 14 oktober 2016


Page 151: Dale pretends not to be bothered by Hawthorne and Sally to not satisfy them. I have also pretended not to be bothered to avoid giving anyone satisfaction, although mostly I just don’t care.

Same page: Dale suspects Hawthorne and Sally have a conspiracy to annoy Dale by Sally and Hawthorne hanging out late at night. I know a lot of people that have done things like that. The same thing has happened many times that two people tell a lie together just to bother someone.

When Minnie Cooper is chasing Dale and calling lots of people to find out his whereabouts and talking to her boss about what she has jurisdiction to do it feels like something out of a Bourne movie. It’s like an action film where people are chasing someone and they are trying to get away, but the people chasing have lots of contacts and intel. 

Page 159: Minnie Cooper is scaling the tops wearing very unsuitable clothes for the purpose. I have also done stuff wearing the wrong clothes. For example I have walked too far wearing flip flops so my feet started bleeding and I have tried climbing small cliffs in the same footwear, but luckily I didn’t injure myself.

Page 167: At Gav’s trial his lawyer defends Gav by saying that one of the victims was asking for it judging by the way she was dressed. That happens a lot nowadays and there’s a big debate concerning whether you can ask rape victims how they were dressed. A lot of people think that it has nothing to do with it and people can dress how they want without wanting to be raped. Men are also never asked how they were dressed. You can see traces of this in dress codes as well, they are often a lot stricter against girls and you can’t dress too revealing often, as it can distract boys.

Page 177 and on: The story ends happily with Minnie Cooper resigning because she hates her job after Dale saves her outside in the cold. DP, who has terrorized Minnie Cooper is also told to go to hell. This is just like basically every other story with a happy ending where everything is resolved. 

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